Enrollment: Active
A student enrollment status must be set to Active in order to take attendance and report on the student.
Enrollment: Active No Primary
A cross enrolled student who has been withdrawn from his or her primary school.
Enrollment: Inactive
A student record that is not active in MyEd that was brought through conversion from BCeSIS where it was in a Withdrawn status.
Enrollment: Pre-Reg
The student’s information is in the system for a school, but the student may not start classes until a later date. It is not possible to edit student information when their enrollment status is Pre-Reg.
Enrollment: Withdrawn
Remove a student’s association with a particular school. The system can create a former school association for the rest of the year.
End of Year Roll Over.
Field Set
Displays information in a list and controls the columns that appear on a page. Copy, edit and manage your field sets in the upper right corner of the page using the Field Set icon.
Provides the ability to group records in a list. Controls the rows that appears on a page. Copy, edit and manage your filters in the upper right corner of the page using the Filter icon.
Refers to report cards and marks.
Mass Update
Option to change one set of values to another set of values for the same field.
Modify List
Option to select a field and change values for individual cells within that field.
Primary School
The school of record for a student.
Changes the YOG, creates a “Y” enrollment record, and changes the student grade level.
A request to find a group of records that match specific criteria at a particular time. (dynamic)
Quick Print
Creates a customized report that contains the data that is listed on the page you are viewing.
Secondary Student
Individual who attends some classes at your school, but is enrolled at a primary school.
A static list of a particular group of records that you can file and easily retrieve.
Sort Order
Determines the order that records appear in on any list page.
A specific set of grades: SU, GA, HS, AG, AN. Remeber to set the YOG first.
Historical and current marks. Record of all of a student’s marks throughout their schooling.
Year of Graduation. Determines the grade level. The year of graduation is set according to the age of the student and auto populates the grade level.